Friday, February 6, 2015

Why People Hate Obama!

Conservatives hate Obama because they believe anything and everything he says is lies..
Liberals hate him because of the lies he told them about what democratic principles he would respect.
Democrats love him because they find his eloquence charming and they don't read thoroughly about the policies that Obama is implementing,
 Progressives LOVE HIM because they don’t care about the Lies..
Libertarians hate him because they hate pretty much everyone who would ask them to compromise about anything, and lets face it they are so stupid that they can’t even make up their own minds.

The correct answer is that, I hate him because He Believes That  Pouring Water up a Terrorist's Nose Is Worse than Sawing of the Head of an American Soldier.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What ever happened to the Killers at the US Embassy in Benghazi

Ever since 9/11 2011 when that armed mob attacked, invaded and  torched the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya,, President Obama has vowed to bring the killers of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans to justice. Yet its been four months after the assault, and nobody is even talking about it anylonger.

More that  Obama and Company were in on the attack at the compound and covered up the whole truth about Ambassador Stevens’s murder.
Is there a reason why they have not been caught?  Is anyone really going after these people?  Apparently not, we’ve seen all the BS about Hillary’s famous “Fall”. And 200 reasons why she hasn’t testified, but we haven’t seen or heard one word of the killers being sought after have we?
O’Bammy is too busy trying to take away our guns to care, and Hillary is to busy making up stories to make herself looking good got the 2016
And where is the out-cry from the families of those who were killed? Have they all been silenced? Have they been paid off?  What’s going on?
Has this all gone the way of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation?  Is this going to be swept under the rug like everything else?  I'm sure someone out there knows who these guys are and where they are!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mrs. Dear Leader herself puts down gold medal winner Gabby Douglas

Olympian gymnastics gold medal winner Gabby Douglas received correction on Jay Leno from no less than Mrs. Dear Leader herself !

Her crime ? Eating an Egg McMuffin while over in London !

Unchecked, this rebellious girl could set back Moochelle's dietary plans to control ..... guide us all into conforming to her definitions of proper diet. This must not be allowed !

Careful Gabby.....or else Ms. Dear Leader may require you to forfeit your medals to his re-election campaign.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obama puts himself in the same class as Mandela.

Actually he's not that far off. Mandela's os also a marxist and a racist. And he also bitched and complained all day and let others support him. So in other words, he was a liberal!

Going Down!

Obama's approval rating has hit the lowest level ever in CBS News polling, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times survey. The drop may be partially attributable to rising gas prices. Just 41 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, according to the poll, conducted from March 7 to 11. Another 47 percent disapprove of his performance, up from 41 percent last month. Mr. Obama's approval rating was 50 percent last month. The average U.S. price of a gallon of gasoline has jumped . Obama is  the loser.

But thank you  American voters. I hope you will correct this mistake in November.

Did you all hear this one?

Michelle Obama defended Let’s Move!, her anti-obesity program, in an interview released Monday. The first lady was asked to respond to critics of the program, who say the government should not be telling people how to eat–by Topanga Sena, age 11, a reporter for Scholastic News in Florida.

TOPANGA SENA: How do you respond to critics who say the government should not be telling people how to eat or to stay active?
MICHELLE OBAMA: You know, that’s absolutely right—and Let’s Move! doesn’t do that. Let’s Move! is not about having government telling people what to do, because government doesn’t have all the answers. I mean, a problem that’s this big and affects so many people requires everyone to step up. So we’re asking everyone to do their part. Parents have to make some changes at home, but they need the information to be able to make those choices. And they have to have access to affordable foods in their communities—fresh and healthy foods, right? We need government to do its part, but we need businesses to do their part, as well.


And that's why, Little Girl, schools are inspecting the lunches kids bring from home. That's why schools are taking away home-prepared lunches and replacing them with healthy, wholesome chicken nuggets, and that's why we have Gov't officials on camera stating that "parents don't always know what's best for their children. Oh, they may think they do, but they don't."

That's why, Little Girl, when she gave you that bullshit answer, you should've jacked her ass up and asked her if she thought you were fucking stupid or what.
That's why you should've asked just where in the hell does it say anywhere that the fucking government has any authority to tell us what we can or can't eat?

Grow some balls, Little Girl, and you'll go far. If you don't, you'll end up working for CNN or one of those other pussy stations..

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Dear Libs,. Why is it that  you guys hate prosperity, and hard working American's so much?  You seem to hate freedom,  and you hate hard work, in fact  you even  hate America. American's have spilled the blood of their son's and husbands  for this once great nation to let you libbers come in and destroy it. You speak of love and civility and yet  every libber  has committed themselves to lynch Herman Cain.  Well Mr. and Ms. Liberal you are going to will have to face America next election day and made a judgement that will effect you and your children for the years to come.  God help us.
You can start by not voting Democratic today, election day 2011.